Monday, May 21, 2012

My Provider

If Jesus can provide and feed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, I am sure He can provide me with what He deems fit for my exams.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Da Pacem Domine

Da Pacem Damine: Give Peace O Lord
One of my many favourites from the works of Arvo Part that is consonant with what I currently feel. 

Give peace, O Lord, in our time 
Because there is no one else 
Who will fight for us 
If not You, our God.

Friday, May 04, 2012

The sun and the blues

It is nice to have sunshine;
particularly so when all you see is dark clouds for everyday for the past week or so.

Here's a view from Stokeleigh camp in Leigh Woods. I took a walk to look for bluebells in the woods for some revision break. Got lost and wandered around before chancing this view. It seems like I have been taking too many breaks - each revision lecture only shows how unprepared I am for my exam. Can't wait for it to be over, yet not wanting to deal with it. It is liberating not to be under a pressure to score well, yet at the same time, a sense of apprehensiveness trying to avert not doing well.

Oh bluebells, captured my sight you did. But why fill me with the blues too?