Friday, March 30, 2012


The weather has been lovely for the past 2 weeks. It feels like having aircon in the outdoors and it is great because I enjoy sitting in the park near school while having lunch, 'basking' under the sun with the cooling wind in the face, and listening to good old classical music. It is quite an interesting sight when the locals go to the parks and just lie there to enjoy the sun when it is out. I suppose it is just not a culture for Singaporeans to do this...I mean, seriously, sitting in a park under the tropical heat? No thanks. But it is a different matter here- where sunny days have been infrequent for the past few months. These days it gets dark at 8pm - compared to 4pm just a few months back!

The only downside is that because I have been working on my essay for the past week, it made me feel bad for not going out to fully enjoy the weather. There is this feeling of wanting to be in a state of oblivion and just relaxing like this man in Brighton. Since the weather forecast shows today to be the last sunny day for the coming week, I have decided go out and take some photos during the afternoon - probably read a book in a park too. Hopefully I will be able to upload some decent shots in time to come.


gloriatsan said...

hey guo rong your photos are awesome!!!

iosephos said...

Hey Gloria, thanks :)Still got much to learn and I am always looking forward to more photos by the rest of you all! But I suppose it is not so easy to just go out and take photos with work around isn't it? Oh btw, I hope the 'photocard' i sent through fb managed to work. It is the weekends already so hope you will have a good break :)

gloriatsan said...

i was in singapore for the weekend. hee. what photo card are u referring to?

iosephos said...

Pm-ed you in fb.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guorong, i love your blog entries! they are all very lovely!


iosephos said...

Hi Cynthia, thank you for the kind words and for visiting!